I´ve been busy working on dresses for the prom, one for my daugther and two other beautiful creations for two of her friends. Then there are five more dresses that the girls want me to make bigger, smaller, shorter.......you name it! It has been a lot of fun but now I´m longing for all this to be finished. I´ve promised myself and I´ve told my family that I will do nothing but eat, sleep and sew until it´s all done......but today I felt that I had to do a (short?) post to tell you I haven´t totally forgotten everything about blogging.
I will be back more frequently when this dress thing is over and I promise to be more polite and answer and leave comments.....miss it, but there has been no time.....
Since I started to work on my hexagon project I find hexagons everywhere. Look what I found when I took a closer look to one of the dresses.....
I will tell you more about this quilt later.....