05 november 2008

Christmas cards and some stitching

Good morning! I wrote this post yesterday but my internet wasn´t my best friend then. But now it´s kind to me again, so here it comes, yesterday´s post.

When I came down to my studio this morning I made a decision, my autumn bag will follow me to Stockholm and the Sewing Festival next weekend. Three days left, I´m in a hurry!

Two stitcheries were finished today and the quilting is done. No picture yet of the quilting, will show you that one tomorrow.


....and a leaf.

Tomorrow I will do the stitchery for the front side pocket, make the bottom part and the handle and....depends on time....but I hope I will make it before Friday!

Couldn´t keep my fingers away from my log cabins, now they are eleven. I need about 80....

This evening was a crafting evening in my studio. We were five friends who made Christmas cards.

Here are Eva, Karin and Birgitta....

....and Brita.

Take a look at the table, a creative mess.

Later we needed a break and ordered pizza.

A lot of creativity and stuff, who will clean up....?

What do you think?

Here are some of the cards I made. "God Jul", that´s "Merry Christmas" in Swedish.

We had a lot of fun and couldn´t stop.....quite late back home....need some sleep.....
Take care,

8 kommentarer:

Birdydownunder sa...

Your English is very good...thank goodness. Just popped in to say thank you thank you thank you for the wonderful Angel pressies which arrived today. I am just about to blog about them and write you a lovely thank you email. I will have great pleasure in reading your blog. hugs S

Betsy sa...

lovely stitchery Helena. I love your log cabins too.
looks like you had a blast with your friends.

Simone de Klerk sa...

Nice work!! Seems like you had a good time with making cards. Take care.

Anonym sa...

Your stitchery is adorable and oh my goodness those log cabin are so sweet. Looks like you had laods of fun with your friends creating, lovely cards.

Laila L S sa...

Looks like you had a great night with your friends. Haven`t tried making cards but it looks like it`s fun. Have to try it some day.
Hope you manage to finish your bag. I`m sure it will be lovely.

Unknown sa...

The christmas cards are so great.

Ali Honey sa...

Oh what lovely fun you all look to be having. I love gatherings like that where everyone is happily working and talking and sharing.

Anonym sa...

Fina kort ni gjort. Jag ska också göra julkort nästa vecka. :-))