17 december 2008

Only one week left....

Only one week left. Do we have a winner today? (This competition started 28/11) Not many words in this post, only some sneak peeks. What´s on the quilt I make for my son as a Christmas present? The answer is only one word starting with a consonant. Good luck!

Only the quilting left, and the binding and.....I think I´m busy, better hurry up.....see you later....

Christmas hugs,


15 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

Does it have an eye? If it wasn´t green I would suggest a snowman *LOL*

Carol in Sweden sa...

sail boat



Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
The sneak peaks look great very intrigueing. Still think its an animal and still think it is an elephant - also because I love elephants and was born in Burma where there are many.
Tina D

Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
I have enjoyed reading your blog for some time now and couldn't help but put in a guess:
Since I live in Florida, my first guess was an alligator, but that starts with a vowel!
Whatever it is, I'm sure that you will make your son very happy come Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you,
Lori in Florida

Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
I think I must be asleep and didn't read your blog properly - of course elephant doesn't start with a consonant - it must be something else. Still think its an animal. How about dolphin or whale ?
Tina D.

Simone de Klerk sa...

I guess it's no longer a sailing boat LOL I really have NO clue at all, what it might be.I'm really curious what will come out eventually.

Anonym sa...


Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
Is it a Tiger that's a favourite with your son ?
Tina D.

Stina sa...

Drake säger jag.:-)

Simone de Klerk sa...

How about a sail surfer on wheels?

Anonym sa...

A frog or a lizzard

Anonym sa...

En Riktigt God Jul till dig också och Ett Spånnande Glädjefullt Gott Nytt Kreativt År önskar jag dig.
Hoppas vi får många mjuka klappar!!
Hälsningar Ewa-Christine

2ne sa...

Ønsker deg en riktig god jul. Skal bli spennende når vi ser hele teppet - har ingen aning om hva dette kan være. Lekre farger er det i alle fall.

Betsy sa...

Helena Feliz Navidad. Thank you for sharng with all bloggers your inspirational and creative blog.

Ali Honey sa...

I think it is a Kiwifruit!

Happy Christmas from NZ.