03 augusti 2010

The Artic Circle

Far away from home, passing the Artic Circle. Here begins the midnight sun area.

You have to drive carefully. Reindeers on the road!

On the Finnish side of the border. There are 999 more lakes......?!

The northernmost village in Sweden, Karesuando, in this shop you could buy everything......almost.

Straight up north, just turn on the auto pilot and relax......

Follow me to the northernmost place in Sweden tomorrow.....

.....but even today there will be a stitching picture.
I´ve finished an UFO, what a wonderful feeling. And it´s up on the wall, all in the same day!!!!
It was only the loops that were missing. why?

Do you remember my cups? Maybe not, it wasn´t yesterday......

Happy stitching and take care,


3 kommentarer:

Stina Blomgren sa...

Hej du... så du är och susar på i mina hemtrakter.. ja en bit ifrån är du ju förståss....Norra Sverige är ju stort..:o)) Ha en härlig trip!!

Mistea sa...

Your cups sure look happy on the wall.


Betsy sa...

Great pictures of your trip Helena. I definetly remember your cups. It looks great!