All pieces are cut and it´s time to sew them together.
This one is the one I started with quite a long time ago, when I decided to learn more about patchwork and quilting. It´s my first one with stars and triangels, I had only worked with squares before.
It´s on this one I made a lot of mistakes and because of that learned a lot. It´s not a perfect one and I don´t let you take a closer look, but I´m a little bit proud anyway.
And when I finished the binding yesterday and made it to a wallhanger I felt like a good girl. A very old UFO is finished :)))
Then my day became a little bit more curly as I had to help my friend, the hairdresser.
On next Sunday there is a wedding and party fair in an old castle called Wapnö. Anette, the hairdresser, and my daugther Josefin will participate together. Anette with hairstyles and Josefin with her own handmade jewelry. Because of that we dressed Josefin´s hair yesterday evening as a test for Anette. I made the curls, about two hours with a hair-waver, and I felt a little bit curly myself :)
The result. I think she looks beautiful, but I´m her mother.....
(Sorry Josefin, don´t missunderstand me...)
Perhaps the curls aren´t perfect, but she has a beautiful hair....
.....and makes beautiful jewelry!
Now I think it´s time for the square part of my life again..... (but early on Sunday morning, more curls.....)
Happy stitching,