...is on its way.
But at first two pictures from my weekend.
This is what my Saturday was all about, at least it´s my feeling:
Jonatan, my son, and my hubby were on a fishing trip and then they left the rest for me. But yes, I love fish...for dinner....

This is Alice, my first "grandchild". She has moved in with Jonatan and Therese. 12 weeks old and so cute...
Here comes some sneak peaks from what has been my work for today; a new stitchery pattern. It´s the first of at least three angels I´m going to make.

And this is the colours I´ve choosen, green, of course, and pink.
Time to do some stitchery, my angel is waiting for me.....
Take care,
16 kommentarer:
Hi from England. I found your blog from the list of people taking part in Linda's bag swap.
Like you I am also doing the stitching Angels swap.
I love your work.
maria x
The little peek you've given us looks good so far! I will look forward to seeing the rest! 8-)
As for the fish, we are not friends... since I was little.
Happy stitchings!
Very nice looking pattern Helena! Looking forward to seeing the completed stitchery; green and pink are perfect for it. cheers, QGB
I love angels so I look forward to see this pattern.
Your Angel´s stitchery looks promising.
Can't wait to see this pattern when you start stitching!
I have been watching your emerging patterns with interest. I look forward to seeing the end result of this one, looks lovely. hugs, Helen
Oh ser ut att bli riktigt godis... KRAM
Oh what a lovely garden angel who can brighten up the day.
Can't wait to see more of your stitchery ... it looks great so far. Love the pink and green fabrics.
Oh Helena,
I CANNOT wait to seeit all - I REALLy like the pattern so far - do stop teasing me!!!!!
I think the new grandkitty would like to be invited for dinner tonight. :) The angel stitchery project is going to be very pretty. Love the whimsy of your angels.
Mmm, det ser jättespännande ut - ditt nya mönster! Älskar änglar :o)
Åhh vad nyfiken jag blir! Den vill jag se mer av! Kramar Ullis
Like it already. :)
Only a peek? Bummer! It looks so cute! I found you from SSCS. I have Swedish heritage so thought I would come over and check you out! Love your blog.
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