13 oktober 2008

Fall into Fall - giveaway!

Now the drawing is finished, with a little help from my daugther, and the winner is:

Ale :o+ sa...
Wow I'm the first! =)Hi Helena! My fovourite autums words are rains smell.. I love it!I read often your blog and your works are great!Have a nice week! =)Ale xxx

Congratulations to you! Please let me know your snail-mail address and the table runner will be yours!

Thank you everybody who has participated in this and thank you Debi!

I´ve got a lot of wonderful fall (autumn) words and I´m going to make something out of them. Have got a little idea, so welcome back there will be a post soon....

Time for a fall giveaway! I discovered that my blog have had more that 10 000 visitors, fantastic! Wanted to celebrate that....
...and at the same time I discovered this blog, in the last minute, but decided to paricipate anyway, so it will be a hurry one!

You will leave your comment telling me your favorite fall word (mine is "colours") and the drawing will be in the late evening of 15/10. Just make sure there are some way for me to reach you if you are the winner! If you leave a "no-reply comment" I can´t!

If you are the winner you will get a table runner made of these fabrics, the same as in my autumn bag in earlier posts. The design will be my own, but I have no picture yet. A little bit of a surprise!

And I will add some secret goodies too....

More fun: http://fallintofallquilters.blogspot.com/ There you will find links to a lot of bloggers who have giveaways on their blogs, many wonderful thing to win.....

OK, time to start working, I have a table runner to finish!

CLOSED, waiting for the winner to be drawn, soon.......


109 kommentarer:

Ale :o+ sa...

Wow I'm the first! =)
Hi Helena! My fovourite autums words are rains smell.. I love it!
I read often your blog and your works are great!
Have a nice week! =)
Ale xxx

Anonym sa...

My favourite fall word is "crisp". I love your blog.
Love Wendy in Sydney, Australia

lattermild sa...

My favourite fall word is wind :)

Betsy sa...

Helena my fall word is leaves.
All kinds of fall leaves on the ground.

May Britt sa...

My favorite autumn word has to be candles. When its a dark windy and rainy day outside I love to light candles and just enjoy to stay inside listening to the autumn storms outside. Another word have to me colours. I love fall colours.

Anonym sa...

Red is my favorit fall word. Of all colours that is the most beautifull.

Noémia sa...

My favorite autumn word is storm. I love the wind the zig-zag flash in the sky, and being well protect in my house.

Anonym sa...

What a lovely idea, thank you!

Debi sa...

Thanks for joining our giveaway. My favorite fall word is "pumpkin". Please enter me into your drawing, such nice prizes.

Mary Grace McNamara sa...

"Apples" would have to be my favorite fall word! Nothing like a crisp juicy apple right off the tree! Glad you joined this great big giveaway!


Cris A sa...

Thanks for the chnace to win! I love those colors!!
My favorite word for fall is:

Terri S sa...

My favorite fall word is pumkin. What a nice give-away. Please enter me in your drawing.

StitchinByTheLake sa...

My favorite word is pumpkin....to be specific, pumpkin pie. :) blessings, marlene

maggie sa...

Hi, my favorite fall word is harvest. I love how the first Thanksgiving was to give thanks for the bountiful harvest. We are celebrating our Thanksgiving today in Canada. So Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians on board.

Anonym sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin. I love the way it sounds, I love the way a pumpkin looks, I love the way pumpkin tastes, I love the color, I just love it! Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. . . brdstitcher at gmail dot com

Kerry sa...

Fall makes me think of the word leaves, but it is the beautiful colours that I love the most.

Pam's Pride sa...

My favorite fall word is "carmel apples". They are so yummy!!

Oddbjørg sa...

My favourite word for this season have to be colours.
Thanks for entering me in the drawing; you have a geat giveaway.

Katie Z. sa...

My favorite fall word is outside! I can actually spend all day outside!

Sherri sa...

My favorite fall word is "cool," since it is so hot where I live I always look forward to the cool down of fall. Welcome to the giveaway...it's been a lot of fun...and of course I'd love to win yours!

Erika sa...

Wow my favorite word is brown I love all shedes from golden to deep brown.
Thanks for the giveaway

Anonym sa...

Mitt favoritord är nog LÖV/leaves.
De finaste löven är nog de från lönnar, de har så många fina nyanser i alla höstens färger.Så som gul, orange, röd och brun.

KRam Eva

Pumlans flitiga fingrar sa...

Hi Helena!
My favourite word is frosty. It´s so cool wheen everything is white, when you get up in the morning and look out of the window. Have a nice evening.

vfernandez sa...

My favorite word would be Pumpkin. I love everything that comes with that word, including the colors and smells.

Loralynn sa...

My favorite word for fall is bonfire. I love sitting by a bonfire, soaking up the warmth and looking at the beautiful colors in the flames!

Mondstein sa...

Hi, i love the fall and my favorite word is "plumcake" wich is a special Cake for the fall......my husband love it so i baked last weekend 4 huge cakes and freeze it.
Have a great fall-time.

Sue Cahill sa...

My favorite fall word is scents, as in crisp apples, leaves in piles, cinnamon and cloves.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Dawn sa...

My favorite fall word is "blessings"!

Anonym sa...

What a lovely giveaway Helena, and congratulations on reaching 10,00 visitors. Crisp is probably one of my favorite words for Autum, I love the crisp air in the mornings and evenings.

Anonym sa...

My favorite fall word is "Thanksgiving." That word just says it all to me.

QuiltNut Creations sa...

my favorite fall word is color. i love the leaves changing.

thanx for the chance

floribunda sa...

Hi Helena,

my favorite fall word is "crisp" -- like crisp weather, crisp apples, crisp leaves on the ground! Thanks!

Linda sa...

My favorite Fall word is Foliage!
fo·li·age (fō′lē ij)
~leaves, as of a plant or tree; mass of leaves
~a decoration consisting of a representation of leaves, branches, flowers, etc.
Here in VT foliage is a season, and it to me is a decoration of our glorious state! :) When I hear the word foliage I think of the wonderful autumn colors thrown over our mountains and valleys. :)
Thank you for being a part of the Fall giveaway!
Good luck everyone!

Nancy in Norway sa...

My favorit word could be woods or mushroom. I simply love walking in the woods with falling leaves and a lot of colours picking mushroom.

Karen sa...

Hi Helena, seems like all of the Fall words have been taken...but I do have one..."Autumnal"...not mine originally, but kind of cool;) Have a wonderful week.

Sandi Linn Andersen sa...

I think my favorite fall word is pumpkin because I begin to see them in the fields in late August, then at roadside stands in September, bright orange everywhere. They are mixed with the colorful leaves and then on Halloween, there are all sizes and shapes of carved pumpkins on porches and the smell of roasting pumpkin in the air. Love it!
The fabrics you picked for your tablerunner are gorgeous. Hope I am lucky enough to win!!!

Mistress Meeyee sa...

Leaves!! That is my favorite fall word but also my favorite fall thing happens to be falling leaves.

windycindy sa...

Thank you for being a part of the special handmade glorious giveaway contest! I adore table runners. Fall is my favorite time of year! My favorite fall word is "hayride!"
Many thanks.....Cindi

Pat sa...

My favorite fall word is Apples fresh from the tree. YUM!!!

hortenzita sa...

My favorite word is "browns".
Hugs from Budapest, Hungary.

Paula sa...

My favorite fall word is "Thanksgiving". I love being able to spend time with family and Thanksgiving is the holiday where everyone tries to get home. I'd love to win your fall table runner, I haven't made one for myself yet!!! I've got my fingers crossed!

Anonym sa...

Favorite fall word would have to be Pumpkin.. thanks for the giveaway!

Terry sa...

What lovely fabrics! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! My favorite fall word is leaves. Just saying it makes me think of beautiful fall leaves all dried up and piled up for the kids to jump into! Thanks! :0)

Regina sa...

My favorite fall word is "Crisp"! Crisp clear fall air, the crispness of a fresh picked apple, the clean crisp sound of twigs snapping as you take a long autumn walk.

Yep, diffidently crisp :)

Juryizstillout sa...


Crunchy.....because of the leaves.
Thanks for entering me, and come by and enter mine if you haven't already!

Sam sa...

My favourite fall word is autumn. It just LOOKS like the changing leaves to me. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Dee sa...

My favorite fall words are crimson maple tree. Thank you for the opportunity - Dee - jessibir@hickorytech.net

Laila L S sa...

Congratulations on reaching 10000 visitors. My favorite fall word have to be apple cake. I love apple cake with lots of apples in it, and served with wipped cream or vanilla icecream. I have a couple of nice recipes.

Anonym sa...

I'm so excited to see a Swedish blogger! I'm half Swedish (my grandparents came to the US in 1908 and 1912) - my grandfather from Hjo and my grandmother from Goteborg. I'm in a quilt bee (a small group of women who love to quilt) with other women who are Swedish! Two are actually from Sweden - one from Goteborg and one from Stockholm. I'm going to get your blog to them!

My favorite work for fall is cider (as in apple cider).

Love the fabric in your giveaway - hope I win!

Piecefully, Elaine

eem2848 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Sue H sa...

My favorite fall word is "autumn". I think it is such a pretty word, much prettier than "fall"! Thank you for your give-away, and congratulations on your 20,000th post!

Wilma L. sa...

My favorite Fall word is "Blessings". I am so blessed to be an American! Please enter me in your drawing.
Thank you!

Marit Johanne sa...

My favorite word is LEAVES. Then i think on all the leaves with beautiful colors, and to walk in the fallen leaves on the ground.

cpullum sa...

My favorite fall word is Fireplace!! Okay and Pumpkin!


Sherry sa...

My favorite fall word is "spice". All the wonderful spice scents of pumpkins, apples, nutmeg, cinnamon from baking & candles. Yummy!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! sa...

My word would be crunch. I like the crunchy sound the leaves make when you walk through them...Great giveaway...m...

Ritapizza sa...

Beautiful fabrics! I love fall colors too! Especially fall colors of leaves.

Needled Mom sa...

Beautiful color selection of fabrics! I can see why your favorite word is "colours."

I would have to think that my favorite word for fall is food. It is always such a fun time to get back into cooking after a warm summer.

Yvonne aka sommeke sa...

Congratulations on 10.000 visitors!
I love giveaways and yours is a beauty!
My favorite word : cookies!
Thanks for putting my name in the draw!

Renee G sa...

My favorite fall word is crisp. It makes me think of the chill in the air and juicy apples.


Myra sa...

My favorite autumn word is pumpkin! I just love the way those P's pop out of your mouth. :o)

Anonym sa...

Pumpkin Pie....that's two words but it's one very delicious wonderful pie! Please enter me in your drawing!

Drucilla's Stitches sa...

My favorite fall word is BLESSINGS!!
Praising our Lord for the many blessings He has given us!
Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonym sa...

My favourite fall thing is the smell of burning leaves. Oh and the crunching sound of leaves under your feet.Oh and the really warm colours of the leaves that can never seem to be reproduced in fabric.

Myra sa...

My favorite Fall word would be...?... Crunchy... when the leaves are dry!!! Right now they are not so crunchy. 8-(
I would love to have a chance to win your table runner Helena! 8-)

Jill sa...

my favorite fall word is halloween. I would love to win a table runner.

Marilyn Robertson sa...

My favorite Fall word is "colors". I love the changing color of the leaves. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Jeanne sa...

My favorite fall word would be pumpkin. I can eat it all year, but it's especially yummy in the fall. Love the fabrics you have chosen for the tablerunner. Congrats on your milestone.

Andrea sa...

My favorite autumn word is crisp...describes the leaves, the weather and something yummy to make with apples! Your fabric is lovely! Hope I win the table runner....it can take the place of the one I am madly making to give away on my site! Great minds must think alike! I think I'll be back to check out other projects of your....


Jane's Fabrics and Quilts sa...

Oh my favorite word for fall is "smell" I just love the smell of burning leaves. thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Brooke sa...

My favorite word is "Pumpkins"! I love fall so very much....Everything about it! Thanks so very much for a wonderful giveaway! Have a lovely night!

Coleen sa...

My favorite word is aroma. I love the aromas of Cinnamon, pumpkin and the crisp fall air.

Narelle sa...

The first word that jumped into my head was 'cinnamon', how about that.
Sprinkled over pumpkin soup, yum!

chq sa...

Hello! My favorite word is AUTUMN, so many images are associated with that word.

Have a great day!


BitnByAQuiltingBug sa...

What a great idea! So many words come to mind. It's hard to choose just one. I guess I'd have to pick Crisp. Apple crisp, crisp air. Yep, that would be it for me. Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Rebecca sa...

My word would be "leaves".

Doris sa...

Wow! I love those fabrics...so generous, thank you for hosting it!

Ly + Alan sa...

What a great idea, I'd love to win...my favorite fall word is "apples" because I love apple pie, apple picking, apple everything! (lyannab at gmail dot com)

Linda T sa...

Count me in on your drawing - I love the word crisp. Especially apple crisp.

sewing_passion sa...

My favorite fall word is cinnamon. I love the smell of cinnamon in the fall (apple cinnamon particularly).

Anonym sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin! :)

Christine sa...

I know it's been said before but "crisp" is my favorite word - sums it up perfectly!! I love the fabric, please enter me into your drawing!!

Amanda sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin! thanks

Sunny sa...

Hello! My favorite fall word is Autumn. I don't know why but its very pretty. Of course, I love the words crisp and pumpkin! LOL

Anonym sa...

My favorite fall word is foliage!
maumauisginger at gmail dot com

Anonymous sa...

My favorite fall word is foliage.

maumauisginger at gmail dot com

Carol in Sweden sa...

Oh gosh...so many people, I'll hardly have a chance....here it goes...

my favorite fall word is ENERGY...the air is so crisp and clear and makes me feel energetic!

Cindy Vernon sa...

My favorite fall word is snuggle! I love to snuggle under a warm blanket on cold nights!

Melzie sa...

my favorite fall word is COOLER :) xoxo melzie

Anonym sa...

Oh, my! What gorgeous fabrics!!! This is gonna be amazing!

tisme sa...

I would have to say my favorite work would be pumpkin!! Love the little buggers, and the color.

Pattie sa...

Hello Helena -

My favrote fall word is PUMPKIN! Not only is it fun to say, it's fun to bake with!

Happy October!

Rose Marie sa...

For me, autumn and maple leaves go hand in hand with their amazing colours.

Sue sa...

I have to say my favorite word is "senses", because mine come alive in the fall...the sounds, the smells, the tastes, the sights and the sensations are all just fabulous in the fall!

Great giveaway!

Anonym sa...

My favorite fall word is wood smoke (guess that's really 2 words, huh?) I love the smell of wood burning in the woodstove heating the house. Your fabric are beautiful; hope they come to my house. Thanks for playing along with the giveaway.

Lavinia sa...

Hi! please enter me in the drawing. My favourite word is Cinnamon. Thanks!

Kimberly sa...

My favorite fall word is crisp. It describes so many things about fall! Thanks for a great givaway!

checkersmom sa...

My favortie word would be CRISP. Great giveaway!

cookiekenney sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin. Thanks


Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
"CONKERS" is my favourite fall word. The hard nut like fruit which falls off the Horse Chestnut trees in England at Autumn time. Children tie them on strings and take turns to hit them against each other to try and crack them. I miss this tradition as I now live in Australia.
Tina D.

tammi sa...

My favorite fall word is orange! I love orange, and it is everywhere in autumn! Leaves, pumpkins, gourds, Halloween...I love it!
Your stitching is wonderful, love your blog.

Kritta22 sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin! Who thought of that anyway!? It's so fun to say! thanks for a great giveaway!!

fernbell sa...

My favorite fall word I would have to say today is snuggle. I like to snuggle down with a fleece tied blanket and work on crafts, read a book or watch a movie. Thank you for doing the give away. Nice that it will be a surprise.

kathipink sa...

my favorite fall word is "apple".

cedar chest quilts sa...

My favorite fall word is pumpkin. Lovely fabrics, so nice of you to join the fall giveaway--I can hardly wait to see the table runner. Please enter me to win. Angie

Just Susan sa...

Hi, I love your work. My favorite Fall word is 'crisp'. Love the "colours" of the fabrics you have chosen. Please enter me.~Susan

Anonym sa...

My favorite Fall word is Halloween. Please enter me in your draw and I love tyour angels.:^)Janey Joop

Anonym sa...

"Romantic" I love to be in love during the autumn!
Thanks for the chance, love your blog.

Anonym sa...

Beautiful fabrics! "Apple" is my favorite FAll word. I love apple cider, apple dumplings, and all the yummy apple baking that goes on in the Fall.


Ale :o+ sa...

I cant believe it!!!! =)

I WIN!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! =)


Ale xxx