Everybody who leaves a comment to this post and puts a link to my blog on your site in a post telling about this opening weekend will get this stichery pattern for free. I designed it yesterday just for this event. Just make sure that I know your e-mail and I will send it to you.
I will mail out the pattern on Monday and until then you are welcome to leave a comment!
I will also put a link to your site in my guest-list!

Come back later, I will post it as soon as I´m ready!
Then here will be more pictures and some champagne....
Hugs from

76 kommentarer:
Hej, jag igen... snyggt stitchery mönster. Jag ska genast puffa för dig o din stora dag!
Congratulations on your grand opening of Syverkstan over the weekend. I will have a drink with you to celebrate your next adventure and thank for inviting me to join you. I wish you all the best for the future..no matter where it leads you ..Remember memories last longer than dreams.....
I do love the butterfly with the red spots on the wings,
Thankyou and good luck with your opening
Hej Helena! Så fint du gör på din sida!
Jag har redan lagt upp en puff för dig och din sida på min hemsida http://anettemcl.zoomin.se - och sedan tidigare har jag ju en länk till dig ;o)) Hoppas du får en härlig helg med många besök!
Hej, jättefint broderimönster. Ska bli kul att se vad du hittar på här!
Hej Helena!
Ser med spänning fram emot vad du skall hitta på här! Önskar dig all lycka i din satsning och självklart skall jag tipsa om din sida i min blogg. Möntret är jättefint!
Hej Helena! Kul att få ta del av din öppningscermoni! Ska absolut puffa för dig och din blogg hos mig. Länk till din blogg har jag sedan tidigare...Kram Lizzan
vilken fin sida och vilket fint broderi, jag länkar....
Grattis och lycka till
Du har en jättemysig sida som jag följt en period redan, och jag blir kvar som besökare!
Det ska bli kul att se vad som händer här! Jag vill också passa på att ge en lyckospark för din Syverkstad.
Wishing you all the best for your opening.....I hope your new studio is a great success.
Hej vilken fin sida du har mycket fint. Hit kommer jag gärna tillbaka,
kram Milly
Nu har jag bloggat om din sida och att du har öppnat den.
Ser fram emot att få se vad som händer hos dig.
Lycka till med syverkstan.
Kram Eva
Nu har jag bloggat om din sida och att du har öppnat den.
Ser fram emot att få se vad som händer hos dig.
Lycka till med syverkstan.
Kram Eva
Hello Helena, how lovely to meet a new blogger - I've just reached 100 posts and can tell you that it's addictive, time consuming, fun and educational. I'll add your blog to my Google Reader list and look forward to visiting again. I'm now off to publicise your link (and the stitchery) on my own blog.
Vad roligt att få vara med på denna öppning!
Jag länkar gärna vidare till mina vänner och det ska bli jättekul att få brodera ditt mönster.
Lycka till!
Hej! Vilken läcker blogg sida du har. Här kommer jag kika in många gånger ser jag. Jag gillar att brodera så ditt mönster får mer än gärna dimpa ner hos mig. Mvh, Susanne
Hej Helena! Grattis och Lycka Till med din nya verksamhet, det låter så spännande! Jag gillar också stitcheries, och ditt är jättefint! Åsa på Österby http://osterbyquilt.se
Such a cute stitchery! I'll add your giveaway to my blog post.
Grattis till Din fina blog "Syverkstan". Jag gillar att sy stitcheries och ser fram emot att få Ditt första.
Jag länkar med det samma! Mönstret (och din blogg!) är ju bara helt ursnyggt! : )
Jättegrattis till din nya syverkstad, kommer att bli intressant att följa dina inlägg.
Hoppas att ditt premiär-veckoslut blir en succé.
Lycka till!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Helena,
Congratulations on your grand opening! I`ll check back many times during the weekend, and have allready posted about your opening on my blog. Wish you good luck with Syverkstan.
Jag önskar dig all lycka till med din fina syverkstad..
Jag följer din fina blogg och ser framemot framtiden! DU är en mycket generös person! Kram!!
Hei, jeg ønsker det lykke til med åpningen av din syverkstad, må være spennende, men også mye jobb. Ha en riktig god helg :-)
Grattis till din fina hemsida och öppningen av din Syverkstad. Din stitchery är bara så gullig!
Grattis till din fina hemsida och till din Syverkstad. Ditt stitchery är jättegulligt och skulle vara kul att sy.
Kram Catarina
Good luck with your new quilt studio. Very exciting for you.
Best of luck to you, Helena! I hope that your quilting studio will be a huge success for you!
I am posting a link to your blog on mine today. Your stitchery pattern is very sweet! Thanks for sharing it!
Best of luck, Helen!! I hope that your quilting studio will be huge success!
Thank you for sharing this adorable stitchery pattern! I am posting a link to your blog on mine today.
Such a sweet pattern and I would love to have a copy. I will put a link to your page on mine. I wish you much success on your internet business. Thank you for sharing pictures of your home and town - it really looks like a lovely place to live.
Congratulations on your grand opening! I just found your blog and added it to my Google Reader favorites. I hope I am not too late for the stitchery because quilting is my life! Thank you so much! Mary Jo in Iowa...USA
Congragulations on your grand opening. You are off to a great start. I just went thru all your pictures and I think I am in love with Sweden. I love the black cat on here. Hope I win the pattern. I am in the great state of TEXAS is the USA. My email is ryork6@suddenlink.net and my blog is
Congragulations on your new blog, it is really pretty. This is the 3rd time I have typed this trying to get it to post not sure what I am doing wrong. I hope I win the stitchery, just in case my email is ryork6@suddenlink.net
Lycka till med syverkstan. /Ylva
wow - how very generous of you! Consider yourself linked at my next post! Please send me this gorgeous pattern. Jo x
Hi Helena
Discovered you through Leanne of Stitching Room. Love your blog and your beautiful stitchery. Please include me in your giveaway. Tina D (Melbourne)
congrats on your grand opening :)
Congratulations on your opening and on following your dreams. I wish you lots of success for many years to come!
All the very best for your Grand Opening Helena !!! Adore the Celebration Stitchery Design... The Daily 15 Min walk to your Quilt Studio is just so Tranquil & Inspirational what a way to start the morning...
You did it great!!
With all this stuff I even didn´t miss the champagne : ))
Congratulations on your new studio! What a lovely place you live. I will add you to my bloglines, looking forward to seeing some more of your work!
congratulations on your new studio I hope its a great sucess
Hugs Mary.
Nu har du lurat in mej i bloggträsket :-))
Din stitchery-mönster är så fint...så det vill jag ju absolut ha.
Är inte riktigt säker på vad som jag ska uppfylla men jag tror att jag gjort rätt ;-)
Gratulere så mye med quilt vekstedet ditt. Ønsker deg alt av lykke :-). Kommer til å følge med deg fremover!
Grattis till Syverkstans öppning och att du får många besökare till din blogg.
Reklam för din sida finns på min zoomin.
Lycka till Lotta.
Congratulations and best wishes.
Congratulations on your new studio! I think your little pattern is adorable, and I can't wait to try it. Thank you so much!
Such a pretty stitchery. I would love to have a copy. Have a great time in your studio and much good luck to you. e-mail to lillysstuff @ gmail dot com.
Congratulations on your new studio!
What a beautiful space to achieve all your dreams. Looking forward to seeing all your projects.
I hope I am not too late to get the free stitchery. Thanks so much.
I would love a copy of your stitchery. I will have a drink today to celebrate your opening weekend of your quilt studio and also my FIL's birthday. Best of luck, cheers, QGB
I would like to take part in the fun here :) I love your header.
Ohh... I love the dragonfly...Please send me a copy!!
Congratulations - your new studio looks wonderful, and the stitchery is precious. Hopefully, I've got my email connected here.
Thanks in advance for the pattern!
Bobbie in Texas
Love the dragonfly..please send me a copy too!!
how cute. I want it. Please.
Oh, your blog is lovely! The stitchery pattern is adorable, and I can't wait to begin exploring your earlier posts.
Happy to find your blog through Gudrun. Thank you so much for the free pattern. You will see an announcement on my blog at Stillmeadow Quilting!
Good Luck and happy stitching.
i would love to get the pattern....
HAve a great weekend.
Greetings from the Netherland
Dear Helena,
I read your blog and love your enthousiasm about you new studio.
I do love your stitchery!!!
Please will you send me a copy.
From now on I will be a reugal reader of your blog.
Kindd regards,
OH Helena I love this design - THANK YOU!!!!!
One day (like you wish for a long life)I will show you what I did with it : )
OH Helena I love this design - THANK YOU!!!!!
One day (like you wish for a long life)I will show you what I did with it : )
Hello Helena, congratulations on your opening. Just love your gorgous "quilting is your life" stitchery and also the dragonfly.
Love the look your new studio set up, regards Dawni
Hej Helena.
Sikke da at underskønt stikkeri! Kan næsten ikke vente til det bliver mandag.
Maria fra Danmark
I look forward to getting this pattern, very nice!
Congratulations with opening you quiltshop - I wish you a lot of luck and meeting many quiltfriends and creativity.
Gratulerer med åpningen :)
Og mønsteret ditt er kjempeflott. Vil gjerne ha en kopi av det :)Lykke til videre.
Wishing you much success in your new studio! Love your stitchery pattern. Thanks!
Hello, I'm so happy to have found a European blogger/quilt maker/designer. Congratulations on the new studio- I want one too.
And I've just learnt that Skicka en kommentar means Leave a comment!
Hei igjen, vil gjerne være med i stichery-giveaway! Spennande side du har, linker til deg på min blogg!
hilsen Juliann
Hi Helena,
I would love a copy of your stitchery pattern, love your blog and have already posted you on mine. Thanks heaps.
oh I love your stitchery i think I am to late for the giveaway but I will put a link on my blog anyway hugs Beth
this is lovely - i've always wanted to try stitchery - what a pretty pattern!
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