A very red wall that needs to be decorated....
......and here are the fabrics I will use for my "Coffee cup-quilt", already designed in my head....
I´ve done some handquiltning on my butterfly, and added some strips around him...
This is how I´m planned the quilt, I just have to go on..... When it´s ready I will tell you in what way I will use this one!
Now I will do some stichery for my bagswap bag, and then it´s bedtime....
Take care,
3 kommentarer:
Love the coffee spot quilt!
I'd like to know how a person in Sweden signs up for a SWAP!
Can you tell me?
My friends do them in the USA and it always seems like such fun!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Oh la la like the red kitchen (wink). My husband would die if I asked him for a kitchen in my new squeezed craft room!
Oh I am intrigued with your quilt....
Just discovered your blog and I will be back. Love the stitcheryblocks in an earlier post. Is that a pattern you are making for sale ?? Love the catblock.
Klem fra Norge
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