Thank you all for a wonderful weekend!
Now I´m working on mailing out the stitchery pattern, I´m on my way collecting your e-mail addresses from the comments, it will take a while, there are a lot of them...If you don´t hear from me today, please contact me and I will check out what´s wrong.
Now the last surprise (for me or for you?) for the past weekend.... I have made my first pattern!
Here it is!

You can see more pictures of the quilt if you go back to earlier posts, beginning of July.
I have printed out 5 copies of it today and I will give them away for free...
The first one will go to Leanne, Lizzie´s Page She was first to ask me for the pattern and I promised her the first copy. It took a while but here it is.
The second one will go to Sarah, If only I had chocolate. She was the first one outside Sweden who gave me a comment. That made me change my mind and start writing in English (!?)
And out of that came this big adventure, meeting people from the whole world. Exciting!
The third one goes to Libby, A Simple Girl. You helped me with the name of the quilt. I read your comment on 8th of July, and there it was.... "Dancing flowers"
If you three girls will send me your snail-mail addresses I will put the patterns in a mailbox....
Now there´s two copies left, and they will be my last giveaways. The rules are the same, leave a comment, write about it on your blog and I will draw the winners next Monday!
Don´t forget there are three more giveaways the past weekend, it´s not to late to leave a comment!
Now I think I have to go on with the e-mails...
Take care,

31 kommentarer:
Good to see you are living your dream.
It's always great to see people achieve their dreams.
Love the pattern for the quilt.
Love that quilt.
Congrats on the wonderful design!
Congratulations and all the best....your first pattern looks fabulous well do cheers marc
For sure i will leave you a Comment...
I love your designs and would be happy to win one.....
I wish you all the best for your Shop..
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Kjempeflott mønster. Her kan man virkelig få brukt noen av de stoffene man har lagret på syrommet. Leke seg med farger. gratulerer med første mønster ut.
Vilket superhärligt mönster! Klart jag länkar. Grattis än en gång.
Best Wishes in your new hop it is very pretty, Love the way you have your machines set up.I would love to e a winnwe in one of your giveaways. have a goo day Blessings, marie
Beautiful shop and best wishes in it. I love the way you have your machines, very workable. I would love to be a part of your give away. Blessings, Marie
Best wishes in your new shop it is really nice. Love your machine set up
Blessings, Mariequilts
Best wishes for your new shop - love the pattern!
Your new pattern is fantastic. Well done on such a great achievement. May you have many more patterns. Happy Stitching
Har ju sett detta mönster tidigare när du höll på att sy kvilten och den är helt underbar :))..Självklart vill jag gärna vara med i utlottningen av detta fina mönster som skulle passa för tygerns som min dotter köpte och ska sy sin alldelens egna kvilt...
Ha en fortsatt skön vecka och Tack för det fina broderimönstret...
"Dancing Flowers" conjures up just so many different colourways - Luv It... Hope you have enjoyed your *Grand Opening* because I HAVE !!!
Virkelig et flott mønster du har laget. Deilig når kreativiteten blomstrer slik som i din blog. Lykke til med arbeidet videre og ha en fin uke :-)
Great quilt! Congrats on your first pattern.
Tack så hjärtligt för det fina stitchery-mönstret som var i inboxen idag.
Visst vill jag vara med i utlottningen av ditt "Dancing Flower"-mönster./Anne-Marlen
Congrats on your new shop! I looks wonderful!
Great first pattern you have there. Dancing Flowers... count me in for the giveaway, and I will post about it on my blog...
Happy stitchings! 8-)
Hi, congratulations for your first pattern. I love the idea to design beautiful and modern quilts. Regards from Chile.
Tusen takk for det flottte mønsteret som har kommet på e-post i dag. Jeg vil også gjerne være med i trekningen av et Dancing Flower-mønster. Har ikke ennå våget meg på så store ting, men dette frister. Liker din farge-kombinasjon, men har noen andre farger i tankene.
Åh Helena, som jag suktat på detta mönster i din blogg. Det är så enkelt och fräscht, alldeles ljuvligt!
Heja på med dina mönster!
Åhh vilket underbart mönster! Jag skulle hemskt gärna vilja ha en av kopiorna. Kramar Ullis
Hi Helena, Thank you so so much for your Stitchery pattern which I received today. I love your Dancing Flowers pattern too and would like to be included in any of your giveaways this week. Here's hoping Tina D (Melbourne).
Oh my I am GOB SMACKED - oh oh oh lost for words.
I feel SO honoured you have offered me a free pattern - doing a very happy dance here.
OH oh I am so excited!
Its a beautiful pattern. I hope I am not to late to enter your giveaway.
Ditt täcke är helt enkelt underbart så visst vill jag vara med och ha chansen att få ett mönster! KRAM
Såå fint täcke, bara urtjusigt!
sådant kunde jag tänka mig i dessa färger med....
mvh. lisbeth
J'adore !!!!
Je croise les doigts pour gagner un modèle ! ^^
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !! :o)
I would be happy to win one.
Lhise from France.
Hi Helena
I'm so excited to be the first to receive a copy of your dancing daisies pattern, its beautiful,
I have e-mailed you my address, hope you got it.
Love Leanne xx
Congratulations for your first pattern. You have made a great job. I like this pattern. Dancing flowers - what a nice idea !!
what a nice pattern. Love your shop. and Have been enjoying the posts.
robin in Virginia USA
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