I couldn´t have dreamt about meeting so many nice and wonderful people! A lot of hugs to all of you!!!
I will take a closer look at all comments and check out your blogs tomorrow when it´s an "ordinary" day again. So be patient, you will hear from me sooner or later, it´s just about time...
And tomorrow I will mail out the free stitchery pattern, if you haven´t left a comment on that post yet, it´s not too late. You can do it until I press the e-mail button tomorrow!
Som pictures from the part of the studio where my sewing machines "lives"
My best friend, one of them, they can help me with a little different things...
Enough for today. I will show some more another day, my cuttingtable, designwall, kitchen and toilett (yes I will, because it´s a little bit special!)
I just have to give you a little cloose up of an UFO which will be the next one to finish! I really love that cat pictures on it and the colours. Next week, I promise!
See you,

24 kommentarer:
Oh me again - IT looks georgeous - I just showed hubby and said that is what I want the craft room to look like - yum yum yum. As you know I like the colour.
Yes the spelling would be shelves though!
loved seeing your pictures again!
So some of your sewing machines live at the shop?
will they used by some of your students in your classes or when you want to sew a shop sample/kit?
Nu har du fått en länk i min blogg.
Din Syverkstad ser jättefin ut.
Kram Eva
e-post evarmb@yahoo.se
blogg: http://evawes.zoomin.se/
Helena, love your blog/love your modern style of design, and just love the cat that moves on your blog page. awesome - dawni
love your blog/love your beautiful modern stitchery designs, and the cat on your blog- that moves - just great - good luck with your new studio.
Congratulations on going for your dream - I hope it all comes true for you. Your studio looks like it could be a creative place to be and I hope your days are filled with creativity and design. All the best from Canada - Marlene
What a great studio! Congratulations! I wish everything turns out right for you! I have to visit your blog often to see how you are doing!
Have a lovely and creative week!
Your dream studio is lovely. I would be very happy to spend time there with you. Happy designing and sewing!
Lycka till med din Syverksta! Det ser så himla mysigt ut och vilken kanonblogg du har!!! Hoppas jag kan ta vägarna förbi en dag, bor ju själv i Landskrona.
Wow, what a set up! Happy sewing and quilting!
Gratulerer! Her må det bli inspirerende og morsomt å arbeide.
Jeg vil gjerne være med på din give away!
Stort grattis till din Syverksta'! Ska bli väldigt trevligt att kika in i din blogg och se vad som händer framledes.
Hi Helena, your studio looks so organized and ready for all the creating that is going to be done.
Keep Stitchen'
Lycka till med syverkstan!
what a great idea to open a new blog with and your studio is just lovely
lisa x
Congratulations on the new venture. I hope it goes really well.
I'm a bit envious. I've got to leave for school in an hour. Teaching English to teenagers. I love it, but I'm making a quilt that I just want to hkeep going on...
Hei! Er her for første gang, men kommer nok ofte igjen hit! Fine ting du viser! Hilsen Juliann i Norge.
Your studio is Gorgeous I wish I had one like that.You are so lucky
Hugs Mary.
Oh! A free stitchery pattern?
Please sent it to me!
How could I pass this!
I wish you all luck with your studio, and a lot of success!
Your studio is awesome, congratulations!!!!!
Love that studio.
Congrats on the new venture.
Your studio is gorgeous...wish I had one just like it! Enjoy creating in your new surroundings..
Mary Jo in Iowa...USA
So much Space to Create... Thank You so much for my Stitchery Pattern tis Way Cute...
oh, what a woderful studio you have. my little place to sewing is littlelittlebit.
yust I had read that you gif a way a stichingpattern. so I hope I a, not to late
have a good time
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