#1 was pumpkin, but crisp, leaves and apples were also very popular words. I made this little autumn picture with all words in it just for fun! If you want a copy please tell me and I will send you an e-mail. I know I havn´t answered all comments, there were over 100, but thank you everybody, I´m happy you were interested in my giveaway.
Today there hasn´t been much sewing, instead a trip to town. And tonight we are going to have dinner at a restaurant, nice when you don´t need to cook on a Friday night.
But there was a little progress on My Stitcher´s Angel project:
Some pockets and a pin cushion.
And now I know that my angel comes from Australia, my parcel is on its way. How exciting! Hurry up, mailman!
Now it´s time to leave for the restaurant.
Have a nice weekend everybody!
11 kommentarer:
I'm afraid I can't help with the pumpkin pie recipe, I don't make it. I would love to have your pumpkin drawing, though, it would make a great little stitchery to hang on the wall!
I wish I knew how to make pumpkin pie with real pumpkin but I do not.
your stitchers angel project is so bright and colorful. I am sure it will be well received.
I hope you had a nice time out.
Pumpkin Pie
1 1/2 Cups Pumpkin
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cloves
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 3/4 cups milk
3/4 cup evaporated milk
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Whisk together pumpkin, sugar, salt and spices. Add beaten eggs, milk and evaporated milk. Pour into a 10-inch pie pan lined with an unbaked crust.
Bake at 450 for 10 minutes then reduce temperature to 325 degrees and bake for 50 minutes longer. Bake until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool and serve with whipped cream.
I would recommend that you bake the pumpkin after your daughter has finished with it. Cut into chunks, line a baking sheet, cover the pumpkin while baking until it's cooked through, then scoop pumpkin off the shell and puree in a food processor. Be sure to bake it until it is well done so it isn't watery.
Hope this works out for you. Good luck and enjoy! Kim
The recipe above sounds a lot like mine. I would, however, use the plain canned pumpkin (it comes with the spices already added, or not...I prefer to add my own spices)...it's way easier and a lot less time consuming, and will taste less like squash. Pumpkin Pie is one of my favorites. I hope yours turns out yummy;)
Hi Helena,
Your Autumn words are really lovely - I'm longing to make it into a stitchery to frame. Please send me a copy - tina.dillon@iinet.net.au.
Thanks again.
Tina D.
I don't know how to do a pumpkin pie but in my blog you will see some beautiful pumpkin cakes.
You put in a boll
1kg of boiled pumpkin ( without any water)
200gr flavour
200gr sugar
3 eggs
scrapings of lemon
You mixed all things togeder and, with a spoon, you put some little potions in hot oil and you fried.
After fried, in a plate, you put above all cokies more sugar and cinnamon.
Hope you like!
I would love to have a copy of your pumpkin and leaf drawing! And I see you already have a yummy pie recipe. I prefer apple myself! Thank you! :0)
i never made one but a friend made me one last year and it was so goooooood. I am sorry, i have no receipe but i would love to get you pumkin...;-))
Greetings from the Netherland
Sorry cant help you with the pumpkin pie ........ I love pumpkin soup...... Nice colours in your angel swap ...someone is going to get a surprise in Australia
Please send me a copy of your Autumn words. That is wonderful and would make a nice stitchery. Thank you.
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