....about blogging and awards and challenges and other things that figures in Blogland. What´s my opinion about all this?
I love blogging and Blogland and all inspiration and friends and all that part of it. But when it comes to awards and challenges I feel a bit split.
Of course it´s a worderful thing both to give and to recieve nice words about a blog and I love challenges. I willingly tell you things about myself and other things if you ask me.
So, what´s the problem?
After turning my brain inside out I realized that it is when it comes to the nominating part that I don´t feel comfortable. I don´t want to choose a few blogs from all wonderful ones I read. I will feel free to give my friends, new or old, my own "awards" spontaneously when I visit a blog that makes me feel like that.
And I don´t want to nominate people that have the same feelings like me about it, I want them to feel comfortable.
Don´t misunderstand me, I feel happy when you tell me you like my blog, I feel proud when I get compliments. But I will get them and give them without obligation.
There are so many blogs in Blogland that I love to read and I hope you will like to visit mine.
And about challenges, I think it´s fun. I´m not afraid of telling you things about myself or whatever the challenge is about, so I think it´s the nominating thing that is the problem here to.
But don´t be afraid of asking me things, that´s ok, if I´ve got an answer you will get it. And I´m more than happy to read things about you and your life.
That´s that! All this are written directly from my heart and as you know English isn´t "my" language, I sometimes think it´s difficult to describe feelings. I hope you understand me anyway, and I will be happy to hear your opinion. Please leave a comment!
Now I´ll show you something I would have showed you quite a long time ago.
Nanabarb tagged me and of course I will do what she told me to do. First I will tell you 10 things about myself that I´ve never told before. I will try, not sure everything are news.
1. I´m left handed.
2. I´m afraid of dogs but love cats. (Dogs are cute on pictures)
3. I love watching documentaires about medicine, especially deliveries.
4. I´m trying to learn HTML, how fun!
5. I love to make tables, lists and diagrams.
6. I walk about 2 hours every day.
7. I have one sister, but I have always wanted a big brother. (Sorry Johanna, love you!) Maybe too late for that wish?
8. I hate watching sports, especially if there are balls included.
9. I can´t count to 10.....lol
5 things that I´m addicted to:
1. My fabrics and all that stuff
2. My computer
3. Dark chocolate, there is a bar filled with lemon and ginger, that´s my favorite!
4. My pedometer
5. That thing that helps you get rid of the curls in your hair and make it straigth, what is it called in English?
Then I got an award from
Thank you very much, I´m proud you have chosen me.
The meaning of this award:
This blog invests and believes in Proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming ... These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Pass the award on to 6 fellow bloggers, to include the above text in their blog. So ... please visit and give more attention to these writers ...
I will pass this award to all nice bloggers out there, you all have wonderful blogs, love them!

At last another thing that I promised to show you. I´ve found time. Tid is the Swedish word for time and you can find it on a square in Kristianstad in the south of Sweden. The bad thing is that I had to leave it there, too big to fit in our car. But if you are in a hurry you know where to find it!
Now I have to stop before my keyboard is overheated. Many words this time. But I hope you understand what I mean....if you managed read all.
I´ll soon be back with pictures of what has happened in Syverkstan the last days...
See you!