10 oktober 2008

More angels!

Today it´s a rainy, cloudy quite dark day here by me, but I´ve ligthened it up with some stitching....makes me sunny inside......

Number two, My Kitchen Angel, is finished.

She´s busy working, carrot soup for dinner maybe?

Tea is served....

.... together with a delicious cup cake.

What should I´ve done without My Kitchen Angel?

She loves cats, just like I do.
Some days ago the fourth sister was born, and guess who she is!?

Stars on her wings and a heart in her hair...

Some of her favorite belongings....

She is busy decorating this....

and then she will go to the post office...

Tonight I will be busy stitching on number three, My Sewing Angel. I hope she will be finished this weekend or so.

A lot of people have asked questions about my angels and here are the answers.
I´m gonna make patterns of them, yes, and they will be for sale.
As soon as I´ve finished the stitching my daugther will help me with better photos and then I will finish the pattern making and after that they will be available....all over the world....more information then about how to buy them....

My Gardening Angel and My Kitchen Angel are ready for photos, perhaps this weekend, so their patterns are not far away now...

Time to grab the needle....

Have a nice weekend,


16 kommentarer:

Myra sa...

You are so talented with the creation of your angels and all the "little" extras in the pattern... I used to be good with drawing, as a teenager, perhaps I should give it a try...try to find that creative side of me once again? Hmmmm.....?
Happy stitchings to you! 8-)

Anonym sa...

Your angels are adorable Helena.

Willow Grove - Kez sa...

They are just gorgeous. Cant wait to see the finished product.

Unknown sa...

I am waiting for the patterns :)

Betsy sa...

Helena, they are beautiful.

Karen sa...

Helena,...your angels are coming along very nicely...they are adorable...I can't wait to see angel #3...the sneak peaks are looking very cute;) Congrats on your tag...I'm right handed, but can write with my left...have a great weekend;)

Sarah sa...

YAY so looking forward to when you finish. no pressure!

DAWNIE sa...

Cant wait to see the finished product - just gorgeous so far

Susan sa...

The Kitchen Angel is adorable. I will be the first to buy your patterns. Looking forward to seeing more.

Stina Blomgren sa...

Härligt Helena...de är underbara!!!
They are absolutely divine... :o)

Anonym sa...

Beautiful quilts. Your quilting studio looks so clean and fresh.

Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
Your Christmas Angel??? is so adorable as are the others - all put together they will make a beautiful quilt.
Tina D.

Carin sa...

Your angel is adorable!

Loralynn sa...

This is absolutely darling! I will be checking back often for the pattern! I love incorporating needlework with quilting!

evelyne sa...

what a very lovely quilt! will there be a pattern?

Anonym sa...

Hi - I somehow got lost in blogsphere and I ended up here. But I would like to comment that you have confirmed what I was thinking. I am planning to make a memory quilt for children using drawings they have made. I plan to do the black/white using the normal transfer method. So I do will have to do some embroidery for the lines. Anyway I think your blog is awesome.