01 januari 2009

Whirl into winter!

I´m participating in Whirl into Winter Quilt Blog Giveaway that Debi is hosting. My prize is (on it´s way) finished....it´s a little wall hanger.

And the winner is:

(3 jan 04.15)


Janice, you just have to let me know your name and address and the wall hanger is yours!

I´ll be back tomorrow, there will be a post about all your nice winter words then.
Thank you for all your nice comments and welcome back.

Here it is, only quilting and binding left.....
Update 15/1: Finished

You only have to leave a comment before 15/1, telling me your favorite winter word. I think my favorite beside snow is the one that I just looked up and learned; icicle.

Good luck everybody!

Next time I will tell you who´s the winner of my last giveaway.....


169 kommentarer:

Betsy sa...

Helena, my favorite winter word is hot chocolate. I only drink it when its winter.
lovely wall hanging. I hope I win so I can have another masterpiece by you.

Anya sa...

My favorite winter word is snow. Thank you for the chance to win.

Sara sa...

My favorite winter word is snow! I love snow - it is beautiful and makes the world beautiful.

Happy New Year...I love the wall hanging and I hope I win it...

CJ sa...

Definetly SNOW! If you are going to have winter you should have SNOW to go with it. :D

Jackie's Stitches sa...

My favorite winter word is fireplace! We just don't get to use ours much here in Florida!

Jossan sa...

Oh, this is a difficult one, as I love winter at all!
But I think it will be SNOWFLAKE, it is a cute word, and all the flakes turns into lots of snow! :)

Happy new year (one day late)!

Lizzan sa...

Mitt favorit vinterord är utan tvekan Snögubbe, älskar dessa gubbar även om vi mer sällan får tillfälle att göra en riktig. Tur det går att sy och brodera dessa istället. KRAM L

Lizzan sa...

Mitt favorit vinterord är utan tvekan Snögubbe, älskar dessa gubbar även om vi mer sällan får tillfälle att göra en riktig. Tur det går att sy och brodera dessa istället. KRAM L

celiab sa...

Helena my favourite winter work is fire. I love to cuddle up in front of a log fire with a cup of hot chocolate.
Happy 2009 and thx

Anonym sa...

I think my favorite winter word is snowman. I love snowmen and have a small collection of them

Karen in IN

Check out my blog--I have a give away also.

Anonym sa...

My favorite would would be Latte! With all the snow, one must have something to warm the insides!
Happy New Year!
Rae Ann

Beth sa...

Hot cocoa! yummy warmth in a mug topped with marshmallows!

Sherri sa...

My favorite winter word is "Frosty" because I always think of my mom telling me about Jack Frost leaving snowflake designs on the windows of our house.

Barb sa...

Quilt is my favorite word, for when it is cold outside, a quilt is my favorite companion.

You do not look 47

Happy New Year

Guilitta sa...

Hallo Helena,

Mein liebstes winter Word neben Schnee ist Glühwein.

Ich finde deinen Give away so wunderschön, daß ich kaum glaube das ich ihn gewinnen könnte. Aber versuchen möchte ich es wenigstens!

Ich wünsche dir für 2009 daß sich deine Wünsche erfüllen mögen so sie gut für dich sind, und wenn sie nicht gut für dich sind, daß du dann auf die Wunscherfüllung frohen Herzens verzichten kannst!

Gruß Guilitta

Elin sa...

Snowflakes is my favourite word (snøfnugg).
Happy new year!

Anonym sa...

My favrite winter word is mitten, I love wearing my warm fleece mittens and love the mittens my mother knit for me as a child.

Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely wall hanging.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Unknown sa...

I have no favorite word because winter is not my favorite season. If I may say a few words it would be "The last day of winter" :)

rachel griffith sa...

my favorite winter word would have to be: snowflake.

rachel griffith sa...

my favorite winter word would have to be: snowflake.

Anonym sa...



lisbethw sa...

tänk att titta ut genom fönstret och allt är "vitt" men ingen snö...
eller en stjärnklar kall vinterkväll...himmelskt...

Carol in Sweden sa...

Oh...I like snow but I really like FROST. Love the way it shines on the twigs, leaves and berries.

I also love the word COZY ....and especially in Swedish MYSIG.

I'd love to have something by you...I'm still planning to drive up to see you..maybe in January!

Decor To Adore sa...

Eskimo~it's fun to say.
Great giveaway! Mine starts on Friday so please stop by.

I hope that the new year holds many wonderful possibilities for you.

Joy sa...

My favourite winter word is Fireplace!! Even though I live in such a warm climate I'm a big baby when winter comes around ... not a fan of the cold (although you probably wouldn't call our winter cold at all LOL!!!) ... so I like to snuggle under a quilt by the fireplace and stitch :o).....
Joy :o)

Terri S sa...

My favorite winter word is icicle. Your wall hanging is lovely!!

Anonym sa...

Mitt favoritvinterord är snöflinga


Renee G sa...

I think my favorite winter word is glisten.


Needled Mom sa...

My favorite word would have to be soup...as in a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter day.

I love the snowflake mini quilt. It really says, "winter."

Annette sa...

My favorite winter word is Christmas. I think it is the heart of winter.

Canarella sa...

Favorite winter word God Bless

Anonym sa...

Mitt favoritord är


Becky sa...

What a great looking wallhanging! My favorite winter word is hot chocolate. Thank you for your generous give-away! Take care!

Unknown sa...

My favorite winter work is "snow". And not just when anyone says it. Only when the weather man says it. haha, Thanks so much for a chance to win.

Ullis sa...

Iskristall tycker jag är ett vackert ord. Och så vackra iskristaller är sen... man kan titta hur länge som helst och ändå inte hitta två som är likadana! Kramar Ullis

Kritta22 sa...

I love icicle too! It's so fun to say! And they are beautiful!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Shawnee sa...

Winter word ... Christmas! That's what I think of first when I think winter. Hot Chocolate is also another favorite. Winter is usually the only time we drink it.

Thanks for the beautiful gift!!

Shawnee from Sassy Flirty Apron Swap and Shawnee's Tangled Tales

Lynn Osborne sa...

My favorite word is cocoa! Thanks for the chance to win. Lynn (lynnosborne[at]verizon[dot]net)

kathipink sa...

My favorite word is "hot" followed by a second word cocoa.

Thanks for taking part in the giveaway. Happy New Year!


grandmarockton sa...

WOW BEAUTIFUL and I'd love to win! thanks, for make WINTER more fun.

Anonym sa...

Snöstjärna är ett vackert ord. :-) Januari har kommit och för mig är den mustiga, färgstarka årstiden då över och jag tänker i mer frostiga toner. Våran bebis kommer också vilken dag som helst nu och jag har hela tiden sagt att jag har en snögubbe i magen, den enda jag har varit sugen på under hela graviditeten är istappar! Ditt lilla vintertäcke skulle nog passa perfekt.

Tangos Treasures sa...

humm I'm not a fan of Winter either? But I'm going to go with "warmth" you know the feeling as you celebrate Jesus's bithday. Having family around eating good food, laughing & talking. It's like a hug, you just feel good all over!
Thank you

libertythreads sa...

My favorite word is Hot Chocolate! Please enter me.

What is an Ostomy sa...

I would love to win your giveaway.
My winter word would be "brrrrrr"
Cuz it gets cold in Colorado

Anonym sa...

My favorite winter word is frosty! :o)

Ruby sa...

It's a tie between hot tea and cozy! Wonderful giveaway!

Loralynn sa...

My favorite winter word is "snowflake" I just love them!

Debi sa...

My favorite winter word is "snowmen". I collect everything with snowmen on them. What a great wallhanging.

StitchinByTheLake sa...

Those are perfect colors for my dining room - I can see it hanging there now! My favorite winter word is fire - I love to stand beside the fire and get warm. :) blessings, marlene

Pat sa...

Snowman! I love them.

Quilter's Delight sa...

Happy New Year......please enter my name in your giveaway. thanks. Jill


Quilter's Delight sa...

Oops, I forgot to leave my winter word.....how about "blizzard". thanks. Jill


Anonym sa...

My favorite word would be snowflake! I'd love to win your drawing! I'm in a Swedish Quilt Bee "How Swede It Is" in Illinois! Happy New Year!

Thank you - Elaine

eem2848 at sbcglobal dot net

Lovie sa...

Snow - if it snows enough I get to stay home and quilt all day.

Carrie P. sa...

Your wallhanging is lovely. My favorite winter word is snow but since we don't get much my other favorite is fireplace. I love to have a fire in the winter time.

cpullum sa...

My favorite winter word is Hot Chocolate!

Gari in AL sa...

My favorite winter word is also fireplace. We recently moved into a new house with a fireplace and I have so enjoyed making a fire and both feeling it's warmth and hearing it crackle. Thanks,

Anonym sa...

My favorite winter word is snowflake like on your lovely wall hanging!

Elaine R

Nici sa...

Happy New Year!!!

My favorite winter word is snowman. I love to make them with my daughter.

nici826 at yahoo dot com

Anonym sa...

Happy New Year Helena, my favourite winter word would log fire.Love to be in the draw for your giveaway. Regards Lyn

Pinky sa...

Wow, what a beautiful wall hanging. My favorite winter word is SNOW! We don't get enough of it around here...just enough to tease! Happy New Year!
Karleen rtnkt@charter.net

Anonym sa...

I agree...Hot CHOCOLATE! :)

Happy New Year from Australia!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Ali Honey sa...

My favourite Winter word is "snuggle."

Brooke sa...

My favorite Winter word has to be "EGGNOG" it is my favorite drink of all time!!! I love this so much and snowflakes are my favorite and Blue if my favorite color!!!

Thank you so very much for the chance hun! I'm going to be crossing my fingers!


Anette L sa...

Wow, så många kommentarer du fått! Grattis! :o)
Jag har två vinterfavoritord: iskristall, för det klingar så vackert, och kramsnö, för det ger en så go känsla :o))

Gott Nytt år!

Daisy Jayne sa...

From a girl from down under (Australia) as I have never see snow I think my favourite word might be FUN

Linda T sa...

I think my favourite winter word would be snow - and heaps of it! Count me in on your drawing; I'd love to hang your snow on my wall!

Marit Johanne sa...

Mitt favorittord - snøfnugg!
Or snowflake in English-
Beautiful winter wallhanging!

Jenna Z sa...

I like flurry! Flurry is such a fun word, and flurries are fun!

Pat sa...

I like all the words already mentioned...but I think MY winter word is SCARF as I love to have one around my neck nearly all the time in winter...even in the house. I am NOT a winter or cold-weather person, so the only kind of snowflakes I like to see are the ones in a wall-hanging like you are giving for a prize. I hope you visited my blog to enter my giveaway, too.

Terry sa...

Your wall hanger is beautiful I love the snowflakes on the blues! My favorite winter word is snowflake...big fat fluffy ones falling from the sky! Thank you!

Idaho Quilter sa...

My favorite winter word is sledding. I remember how much fun it was when I was a child. Thank You for offering the giveaway.

Simone de Klerk sa...

What a beautiful present! My favorite winter word in snowflake. The pattern of a snowflake is so unigque and so beautiful! Good luck with your giveaway!

Anonym sa...

Love the blue and white together! I really don't like winter, the only promising thing about it is no mowing the grass, so mowing is my fav winter word!:-))

Codi sa...

I would love to win this, my email is codiandtim@gmail.com and my blog is deathbydenim.blogspot.com

my favorite winter word is frost. its about as wintery as it gets in southern california.

House of Mouse sa...

I think my favorite winter word is flake...because all my favorite friends are "flakes" like me!

tisme sa...

My favorite winter word is Spring! Hope it comes soon. lol

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts sa...

My favorite winter word is Hot Cocoa

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts sa...

My favorite winter word is Hot Cocoa

Noémia sa...

Beside the word snow, my favorite winter word is storm.
I've missed your 100º post giveaway, please count me in this one! :)

Anonym sa...

Mt favourite winter word is...sunshine... I live in the sub-tropics

Ashley sa...

My favorite winter word is Long Johns!! They keep you warm all day long!

Jeanne sa...

My favorite winter word is cuddle.

~Bren~ sa...

My favorite winter word is QUILT. Everyone should have a warm quilt for a cold winter night!
You look amazing for 47!!

Quilter Going Bananas sa...

My favourite winter word is snow-shoeing.

Paula sa...

My favorite winter word is coffee. Nothing like a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter day. Great give away. Thanks so much!

Karen sa...

My favorite winter word is quilt. I love to cover and stay warm until spring. I love your snowflake quilt.

Janice sa...

My favourite winter word is Chinook. That is when we get warm winds, sunshine and warmer temperatures.

valerie2350 sa...

firewood :)

Cindy @ Creating at Home sa...

Very nice prize! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your draw.

My favorite winter word is "cozy".


Cathi sa...

My favourite winter word is cocoa.
What a great wall hanging. It definitely says winter.

v sa...

During winter, I always rush for the heater. Need to get warm. Thanks 4 the drawing. I'd like to win.

Anonym sa...

I love that you are in a wintry place, and my favorite winter word is "cozy" -- only works in the cold weather. Thanks for the fun!

Jane S sa...

My favorit-word is white frost, when you can see that on trees, it is the best and most beautiful seen.
Gott Nytt År

Jane S sa...

The best winter-word is white frost. It is so beautifully.

Lori Lynn sa...

I'd have to say....WOOL! I can't wait to get me wool sweaters out when the temps drop!

Kim sa...

My favorite winter word (if I do not have to leave the house) is snowstorm a great time to read and work on things I normally would not work on.

Beautiful wall hanging.

Katie Z. sa...


Linda in PA sa...

Your wallhanging is beautiful. My favorite winter word is snowflake. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

Jeri sa...

that is a great wall hanging!

My favorite winter word is WOOL - I love wearing the wool socks I've knitted!

Sandi Linn Andersen sa...

My favorite winter word is "SNOW" because it can be found in "Snowman" and "Snowflake" and I love them both!! Lovely little wallhanging that you have made!!!

Carol E. sa...

my favorite winter word is Christmas!

simplestitches sa...

Favourite winter word...hot chocolate... sorry that's 2...or chocolate!
Happy New Year,
cheers Julz

www.welovequilting.com sa...

my favorite winter word is SNUGGLING up under a quilt with your husband to get warm.

Thank you for letting me enter your give away. I have one also on my blog at www.welovequilting.com/blog

Please check it out and come back often. I will be giving something away each month.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter yours and if you like my blog will you link it to yours?
Let me know and I will do the same for you.

Corinna sa...

My favorite winter word(s) are warm fire. :o) Snowflake is a close second and I love the snowflakes on your giveaway quilt!

Q sa...

My favorite winter word is cancelled - then I get to stay home and quilt!

BarefootThunder sa...

my word is quilting, because when its cold out you need to be inside quilting!!! warmheartthunder@yahoo.com

Mel sa...

Hello! My favorite winter word is snuggle!!

Happy New Year!

Anonym sa...

My favorite winter word is twinkle or sparkle which is what the snow does when the lights hit it on the trees. It's beautiful. Thanks so much for the chance!

Farmhouse Blessings sa...

My favorite winter word is hearth!

Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.

Wishing you joy in the coming year,

doni sa...

Cute wallquilt! My favorite winter word is "QUILT"! It's fun to curl up on the couch under a quilt on a wintery day!

Warm winter wishes!

doni @ Oregon coast

Agneta quilts sa...

Mitt favvisord för vintern är snöängel, dels för att jag tycker de blir så söta men också för att det alltid påminner mig om hur viktigt det är att behålla sin lekfullhet!

Team Chicka sa...

Oh Wow, what great responses you have had. I am going with SNUGGLE. Why? Because I adore snuggling my husband and my baby and my two dogs! Plus saying snuggle just makes me feel good!

Your snowflake wall hanging is STUNNING! I sure hope I win!


Karen sa...

My favorite winter word is 'toasty'...and my next fav word is 'blizzard'...because you need to be warm and toasty when a blizzard is going on outside!
Happy New Year!!

Lynn sa...

My favorite winter word is "snow day'!

CLPP65 AT gmail DOT com

Joyce sa...

My favorite winter word is glistening. I love the way the glistens in the sunlight. Hope I win your snowflake wall hanging. It's beautiful

5acre Designs sa...

My favorite winter word is icicle too! I love seeing them hanging from our house, mailbox, cars and just about everything else! Have a very Blessed and Happy New Year!

Anonym sa...

hmm...my fave winter word would be "heat". i can't be without heat in the winter!


lrmart sa...

My favorite word would be Snow Flake even though I haven't seen many real ones...

Melinda sa...

My favorite word would be Christmas. I love the holiday season.

Leah sa...

thanks for visiting my blog. i love the butterfly quilt in your header photo. my favorite winter word would have to be 'white'. i think of snow on the ground and snow falling and snow on the mountains and all the other things about winter. and also i think of cold and then i think of hot chocolate and marshmallows. mmmmm. happy new year!

Sequana sa...

My favorite winter word is glogg.
*S*.....suits me much better than lutefisk.

Happy 2009!

Unknown sa...

I agree with Fiesta. of Course a good ol fashioned Hot Toddy would be OK, too.

D sa...

my favorite winter word is THAW!

QuiltNut Creations sa...

love the wallhanging. my favorite winter word is also icicle-it just sounds cold!

Anonym sa...

My favorite winter word is :


...because i have a big dog that can ski down a hill! So just the word makes me smile and my heart is delighted! To see him is a joy!


Malin E sa...

Jag älskar stora vackra snöflingor så det får bli snöflingor! De är ju så vackre när de glittrar ner från himlen tycker jag och de ska helst vara riktigt Riktigt stora oxå!!
Eller när det ser ut som snöflingorna sitter fast på fönsterrutorna och glittrar, det är så vackert!
Kram Main

Judy sa...

Love your give away! My word would be snowman. They are so cute when kids make them in their front yards. Thanks!!!

Briarose sa...

My favourite winter word...is SNOW. I ove new snow falling and love it even better when I can sit inside and watch it falling outside. Claire mckiernan@rogers.com

Karen sa...

My favourite winter word is: frosty

Happy New Year!

free indeed sa...

My thoughts turn to 'COZY' for winter. Snug as a bug wrapped in a quilt and sitting by a wood stove....ahhhh...that's living! Happy to know you!

inge sa...

my favorite word associated with winter is cozy

Maxwells sa...

Love it! Fav word to say is COLD!!

cedar chest quilts sa...

My favorite winter word is Christmas because it means so much to me. Happy New Year your snowflakes are lovely on the blue quilt. Angie

Mary Grace McNamara sa...

Darling prize! COZY would have to be my favorite winter word...be sure to check out my giveaway too for something COZY!


Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. sa...

My favorite winter word is SNUGGLE.

Molly Mandeville Fryer sa...

My favorite word is ----Giveaway!!!
Let me win! Thanks--

Debra sa...

My favorite winter word is snowman- I love them!
Great wall hanging- I love blue!


snowflake because each one is unique and one of a kind Happy New Year! mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Anonym sa...

My favorite word would be slush. When the snow is melting away.

Melissa & DJ sa...

I like the word: powder.
I love the thought of soft snow, soft anything.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations sa...

My favorite winter word is BRRRR.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Myra sa...

My favorite word is "cozy"!
To stay cozy on a bitterly cold winter day... 8-)


My favorite word for winter is Spring, just around the corner!

Mistea sa...

My favourite winter word is Rain - we see so little of it here. You are way to generous. thanks Tracey

busylizzy sa...

I think I like the word Winter itself. It describes the season that includes rain, snow, snowflake, ski, Christmas and "icicle" of course. :o)

Linda ★ Parker's General sa...

my favorite winter word is the same as my favorite summer word and that is---GRILL---it means i am not cooking or cleaning pots and pans!!!!!!!!

Alisa sa...

Winter word....cozy. I love cold weather and fires in the fireplace.
I love the little wall-hanging!

Lissa Jane sa...

hmm favourite word for winter???? um... it doesn't get very cold in winter here where I am in australia (10C is a cold day for us) so I'd say SOUP.. I love soup, and we eat lots of it in our 'cool' winter..

your wall hanging is gorgeous!!


maggie sa...

My favorite winter word is snowflake. I love how unique each one is.

szkornelia sa...

Very nice wall hanger. I wish I could win it.

My favorite word would be snowflake. I really like the word in English, and also in Hungarian, hópihe. :)

szkornelia sa...

Very nice giveaway. My favorite winter word would be snowflake in English. I like it because it is really pretty, just as pretty as it is in Hungarian - hópihe.

Tim sa...

My favorite winter word is snow. My least favorite winter word is slipped.

Karen sa...

Hi! and Happy New Year! I am so happy to have found your blog! Your giveaway is wonderful! My favorite winter word is RAIN. We need it in Arizona.

simple country living! sa...

Aloha! My favorite winter word is CHRISTMAS because it's my FAVORITE time of the year! Thank you for entering my name & I hope I win your BEAUTIFUL work!

Narelle sa...

My favourite winter word is 'soup'. I love a bowl of steaming soup, preferably pumpkin soup.

Jess Living sa...

my favorite word is warmth as I stay away from cold in the winter : )

Theresa N. sa...

SNOW.. it just isn't winter with out it. Thanks,
Theresa N

Anonym sa...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. My favorite winter word is Hot Chocolate in front of the fireplace. Please enter me.


Willow Lake Stitches sa...


My favorite winter word is. . .


It's nice to meet someone from Sweden, my Grandparents came from there, and I would love to visit someday. I have been trying to find some information on Swedish and Scandinavian quilt design but haven't come up with much ( yet ) I still have my hopes up high. If you know of any good websites I could visit that would help me with this, could you please let me know ?

Thanks for the so cute wall hanging. . . I wish I had some of those fabric scraps for my Calendar Challenge that I just joined. What have I gotten myself into ?????

Be sure and enter my Whirl into Winter giveaway too ( if you haven't already ) !

Beth in ND

Diane H sa...

Greetings! Two words - "Snow Day"
It means it's too stormy to go to work or school but it's a great day
to go outside and play!
DianeH, Canada

Quiltmoose - Dagmar sa...

My favorite winter word is candle!
Love your give-away! Please count me in!


Aimee sa...

My favorite winter word is Christmas. It's such a joyfull exciting time. I love it!

Dawn sa...

My favorite winter word...snowman! Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb sa...

I love the word "snow" the best and being snowed in with no obligations on the outside - just inside by the fire..knitting!

37 Questions sa...

My favorite winter word besides snow is frost - lovely stuff. Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

Jo Anne sa...

My favorite winter word is fireplace. It brings thoughts of warmth, comfort, home.

Unknown sa...

My favorite winter word is snowflake. I love them. Thanks for the chance to win.

Vickie E sa...

My favorite winter word is snowman..Love your project!