28 november 2008

What about a competition?

Yesterday there was a parcel in my mailbox, filled with wonderful fabrics.....
I will use them for a quilt, a Christmas gift for my son. Can´t tell you much, must keep it secret, if he reads my blog.....
....but if he does, why not make him a bit curious....a clue in every post until Christmas Eve arrives and he can open the parcel? Good idea!!

And why not make it to be a competition for all my blog readers? Another good idea, I hope you agree with me.

OK , here are the rules:

I want you to find out what´s on this quilt.

It´s something that interested him when he was a little child and still do even now when he´s 20.

I will give you a clue in each post until Christmas Eve and you have to guess until then, because I can´t tell you the right answer before.
But the first one who gives me the right answer will win a little Christmas gift, a secret one....
So let´s go, who will be the winner?

Good Luck!


11 kommentarer:

Ali Honey sa...

Girls perhaps? Or does it have wheels? Or wings?
More clues please. LOL.

Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
I remember reading in an early blog entry that Jonathon's interest was cars and that he wanted to be and is now a motor mechanic - so I'd guess his interest is cars, trucks, racing ?
Tina D.

Anonym sa...

Yes we need more clues, my first thought was cars....hmmm maybe bugs, stars.

Carin sa...

This could be hard

Anonym sa...

Hi Helena,
I read on an earlier blog that your son Jonathan wanted to be and is now a motor mechanic - so I think cars, trucks, racing anything to do with motors is his thing.
Tina D.

Jane S sa...

I think it is Stars? Thrilling to get the answer!

Anonym sa...

Jag tänkte också bilar först eftersom det brukar kunna intressera småpojkar och även hänga kvar till större pojkar men det är det ju många som har svarat redan och det känns som att det inte borde vara så enkelt? Ledtrådar är spännande så jag bara måste få vara med och gissa trots att jag just har hittat dig. :-)

Jag väljer att fördjupa min gissning (kanske inte den sista!) en aning och gissar på verktyg. Om han är mekaniker borde ju även mekandet ha kunnat hänga med sedan barnaåren så det får bli min gissning, ett tema som behandlar hans yrke.

Simone de Klerk sa...

A fun competition. I have no idea what you will be making for your son yet. When I think of my son, it would be cars, trains but certainly no books.

Nancy sa...

Could they be snow globes? I have never seen one with a hinge but perhaps? Or maybe it is little pirate chests?

Sew Create It - Jane sa...

Cars have already been guesses...so I'll go out on a limb and guess superheroes...do boys ever grow out of them? :o)

Gari in AL sa...

I think it is a plane.