These days the angel-patterns will be finished, I have some problems with the photos, I´m not satisfied yet.
My home page including a small internet shop is on its way, my daugther is busy working...then the patterns will be available there and in another internet shop too if it goes my way....hope so.
While waiting for this to happen I will introduce you to my next project. It´s a quite big one, can´t tell you so much yet, because the design is still in my head. Only a few drawings are made.
There will be a heart and love theme in this project, and of course my angels will appear now and then. There will be stitcheries, of course, and some applique. I´ve decided to use very light pastels, pink, green, turquoise, white....
I will start working on this in the beginning of next year, but couldn´t resist making a logo for the project, as a preview:

I know that I have visitors from more than 40 countries every month and now I´m asking you who speak another language than English or Swedish for help:
I need your "love"
The English word is LOVE, the Swedish one is KÄRLEK, but what do you say in other countries? Please let me know! I will use the words in a stitchery for the give away, so please help me.... Thank you!
Take care and have a nice weekend,
13 kommentarer:
Hi Helena,
I'm sure it's going to be a lovely 'love'
German: Liebe
French: l'amour
Spanish: amor
Italian: amore
...hehe, I did research and found the Chinese version here:
Cheers, Julia
Hi Helena,
can't wait to see the project, and I'm happy to be the first to "give" you the norwegian word for love, I'm guessing you allready know, it's "kjærlighet" :)
hugs from norway :)
Hejsan Helena! Kärlek på finska är "rakkaus".
Tack för en fin och inspirerande blogg. Har sytt broderiet som man fick under din öppningsvecka i redwork och blev mycket nöjd över slutresultatet.
Ha ett fint veckoslut!!!!
Kram L.
Spännande med dina nya mönster och internetshop. Önskar dig ett stort lycka till med det! KRAM L
Nynorsk: kjærleik! Lukke til!
---ÁST--- is the Icelandic word.
It will be a great projekt . The dutch word for love is LIEFDE
Already love the new project you're going to make from what I can see from the drawing and the colors you are going to use.
The Dutch word of love is liefde but that was Sandra already saying.
I realy like your blog and designs. I wish you verry much fun creating the quilt.
"Aroha," is Maori for love.
Enjoy your planning.
"Aroha," is Maori for Love.
enjoy your planning process.
Hej Helena.
På dansk hedder det "kærlighed". Hvor er din juleengle quilt sød :-)
Mange hilsner
Hi Helena:
I've missed this post, sorry. I want to tell you that in portuguese, love is " amor".
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